The Hairy Billionaires is a comedy rock opera chronicling the journey of Sherry and Thierry Billionaire. From riches to fewer riches, and finally to more riches once again, The Hairy Billionaires is an emotionally driven story for our time, and for all time. This likely never to be completed song-cycle is written and performed by Greg Marino and Marty Isenberg.
Story (as best I can remember this fever dream)
Sherry and Thierry (the brothers billionaire), were born into great wealth, but their crowning achievement was to take over the student loan game. Sadly, after a series of poor financial decisions they found themselves nearly destitute. Their one chance at redemption was to form the band The Hairy Billionaires. With the success of their hit song “You’ve got to have abs” and a secret deal with the devil, the brothers were getting back on their feet. But everything changes when the brothers are forced to confront the true nature of love and maybe Christmas? That’s when their deal with the devil is truly tested and the brothers have to decide who they really are.